
Day 7 - Rest or Stretch X

Today is designated as a "rest" day or I have the option of completing Stretch X. I definitely need the stretching as every muscle on the backs of my legs is suddenly very tight. I'm not sure if that is the result of last night's Kenpo X or from the night before that which was Legs & Back. Truly hard to say. At any rate, I am opting to take my "rest" today because I slept like utter crap last night and I have to work a few hours earlier than normal leaving me no real time to complete Stretch X.
I'm starting to wonder if my sleep issue was the product of my new workout or if I was just anxious last night about having to work early today? One of my biggest fears is oversleeping for my shift. In nearly 10 years at the airline I've never done it so I'm not so sure why I'm so worried about it, but I am just the same.
And with that...off to work! I work a double the next 2 days so don't expect any posting until Sunday at the earliest.
P.S. There seems to be some crazy formatting issues with Blogger right now and the html code is not translating properly so please bear with me until I figure out how to fix it. Just know that I realize how terribly hideous each post looks w/o line breaks between the paragraphs. I can't fix it fast enough...but alas, work must come first.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Slacker! Where's your update for the last few days????? I'm thinking you must have been sooo busy working out that you didn't post?! (This is my attempt at showing you my long distance support and kick in the @$$!)
